Women’s Fall Bible StudIES

Monday Night Women’s Bible Study

Come join us every other Monday Night for an In-Home bible study to learn a basic but effective way to study the Bible. Starting Monday Night September 9th-Dec. 15th, from 6:30-8:00. We will be reading the Book-“Women of the Word” by Jen Wilkin to instruct us.

Please purchase the book before our first meeting.

Any questions or to Register email Sarah Cook at vanlanensarah@gmail.com

Tuesday Morning Bible Study - Women of the Word: Genesis

Tuesdays, 10am-12pm in the Student Center

Join us for this on-going Women of the Word Bible Study in the book of Genesis, A book about creation and how to live our lives. We meet at 10 am in the Student Center on Tuesday mornings.

Contact Susan Ujiiye for more information at susan.ujiiye@gmail.com.

Wednesday Women’s Zoom Bible Study 

Join us on Wednesday Mornings at 10:00am on Zoom, for our on-going Women of the Word Bible Study. This is a verse-by-verse bible study in the book of John. Study begins…Sept. 4th.

Email Thalia for details and to register at thaliapuddy@gmail.com

Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study

Join us on Thursday Nights starting Sept. 5th-Oct. 17th, from 6:30-8:00 at Valley Church in the Nursery of the Worship Center, for an intriguing Bible Study on the FULL “Armor of God!”

All materials are provided. Childcare is also available for this study.

Any Questions or to Register email lkatrinameek@gmail.com or text Katrina at 530 867-0988

Upcoming Winter Studies

Coming in October on Thursday Nights:

Women’s Book Study: “The Screwtape Letters”. This novel reveals the subtle ways we can be distracted and misled in our Christian walk, opening our eyes to life-changing spiritual subtleties that often go unnoticed. Thursday, Oct 24th-Dec 19, 6:30-8pm in the nursery, childcare provided.

Contact Monica Buescher at mebuescher@gmail.com to sign-up and for information on how to download this book or purchase the book before our first meeting.

Thursday Night Women’s Bible Study-

Starting January of 2025 …Join us on Thursdays Nights for an amazing Women of the Word Study by Jen Wilkin--- “Sermon on the Mount”. This study begins on Thursday January 9th from 6:30-8:00 in the Nursery of the Worship Center. Childcare is available for this study.

Register with Kellie Pauley at teampauley@comcast.net . Purchase your book before the Jan. 9th.

***All bible study signups are done through the individual studies leader. If you have any questions, please contact Thalia Puddy at thaliapuddy@gmail.com

DIscipleship opportunity

If you have a heart for mentoring others or would like to connect with a mentor email Thalia at Thaliapuddy@gmail.com


Need some Prayer Warriors to Pray for YOU? Want to Pray on Behalf of Others?

You're invited to join Valley Women's “Circle of Prayer” list where you will receive periodic emails from valleywomenpray@yahoo.com with current prayer needs or praises. Send an email to valleywomenpray@yahoo.com and we will be happy to add you. Join the 70+ women currently praying for requests and rejoicing in answered prayers. Questions? Please email Mary Reed at mwreedsdesk@gmail.com.

Moms in Prayer - Praying Moms, grandmothers and those God is calling to pray together for our children and our local schools. 

We meet every Friday 9:30-10:30 at Susan Ujiiye's home. For location info. or questions, contact Kelly Hamilton at (707) 290-2275 or email at Kelly.hamilton14@yahoo.com.

Women’s Ministry Involvement

Do you have a heart to serve in Women's Ministry?

We have a great variety of options for you to choose from! All you have to do is say YES! Contact Thalia at thaliapuddy@gmail.com or  womensministry@valleychurch.com for more information.

Sign up for our women’s ministry newsletter!

Stay in the loop for all the upcoming studies, activities, and events. Click here and click “Request to Join”, then you will be subscribed to all future updates. 


"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16

Direct email: thaliapuddy@gmail.com

Ministry team: womensministry@valleychurch.com