“Sweet Connections”

Spring Mini Retreat

Childcare is available for this event, but you must select the child care box under the “add-ons” section when registering.

Breakfast Menu:

Coffee Cake, Muffins, Egg Squares, and Yogurt

Coffee, Water, Juice   

Lunch Menu:

Assorted Sandwiches, Pasta Salad, Green Salad

Assorted Cookies and Bars

Water, Lemonade, and Iced Tea

If you are Gluten-Free please check Gluten-Free box in the "add-on" section when registering so that we know how many GF sandwiches, pasta and desserts to prepare. Thank You!

Available Workshops:

You will need to sign-up for 2 workshops listed below in the "add-on" section during registration

1. Temple Strong: Toni Henry

Armed with Faith, Knowledge and Community, we can be strong in mind, body and spirit as we age gracefully. We will discuss key aspects of wellness in this workshop.

2. Praise Dance: Leslie Mewborn

Learn a powerful Praise Dance highlighted with sign language that inspires praise to God. This is an active participation workshop.

3. Chronic Hope: Kristina Oakley

Finding hope in God’s gifts amidst life with chronic illness and  chronic physical and emotional pain. Sharing real life strategies for persevering through suffering and enduring with relentless faith.

4. Flipped Perspective: Monica Buescher 

God’s Word can change our entire view of what to pursue or avoid in life.

5. Finding your “Kingdom Purpose”: Thalia Puddy

Identifying your Spiritual Gifts through God’s word and a simple fun exercise that will help you identify your Kingdom Purpose.

6. Stress Relief Through Art: Patti Garcia

This Workshop offers a powerful way to calm your day through creative art projects.

7. Your Identity…Truth or Illusion?: Mari Pitts

Defining yourself radically as a woman beloved by God. This is your true self. Every other identity is an illusion.


May 31st, 2025 - Crafting Day

Helping Hearts Ministry

Women’s Fall Bible StudIES

Monday Night Women’s Bible Study- STUDY IS FULL

Come join us every other Monday Night from 6:30-8:00pm for a “Women of the Word” In-Home bible study on the book of James.

Any questions or to register email Sarah Cook at vanlanensarah@gmail.com

Tuesday Morning Bible Study - Women of the Word: Genesis

Join us for this on-going Women of the Word Bible Study in the book of Genesis, A book about creation and how to live our lives. We meet at 10 am in the Student Center on Tuesday mornings.

Contact Susan Ujiiye for more information at susan.ujiiye@gmail.com.

Wednesday Women’s Zoom Bible Study 

Join us on Wednesday Mornings at 10:00am on Zoom, for our on-going Women of the Word Bible Study. This is a verse-by-verse bible study in the book of John.

Email Thalia for details and to register at thaliapuddy@gmail.com

***All bible study signups are done through the individual studies leader. If you have any questions, please contact Thalia Puddy at thaliapuddy@gmail.com

DIscipleship opportunity

If you have a heart for mentoring others or would like to connect with a mentor email Thalia at Thaliapuddy@gmail.com


Need some Prayer Warriors to Pray for YOU? Want to Pray on Behalf of Others?

You're invited to join Valley Women's “Circle of Prayer” list where you will receive periodic emails from valleywomenpray@yahoo.com with current prayer needs or praises. Send an email to valleywomenpray@yahoo.com and we will be happy to add you. Join the 70+ women currently praying for requests and rejoicing in answered prayers. Questions? Please email Mary Reed at mwreedsdesk@gmail.com.

Moms in Prayer - Praying Moms, grandmothers and those God is calling to pray together for our children and our local schools. 

We meet every Friday 9:30-10:30 at Susan Ujiiye's home. For location info. or questions, contact Kelly Hamilton at (707) 290-2275 or email at Kelly.hamilton14@yahoo.com.

Women’s Ministry Involvement

Do you have a heart to serve in Women's Ministry?

We have a great variety of options for you to choose from! All you have to do is say YES! Contact Thalia at thaliapuddy@gmail.com or  womensministry@valleychurch.com for more information.

Sign up for our women’s ministry newsletter!

Stay in the loop for all the upcoming studies, activities, and events. Click here and click “Request to Join”, then you will be subscribed to all future updates. 


"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Ephesians 4:16

Direct email: thaliapuddy@gmail.com

Ministry team: womensministry@valleychurch.com